Minky Woodcock – The Girl Called Cthulhu is a four-issue comic series featuring the intrepid detective Minky Woodcock on a brand-new case. Created by Cynthia von Buhler.
Runescape: Untold Tales of the God Wars promises new lore from Jagex
Titan has just announced a new Runescape comic book and it will dig unto untold stories from the computer game’s lore.
Conan the Barbarian: Battle Of The Black Stone covers and crossovers
Battle Of The Black Stone continues what started as a special issue on Free Comic Book Day in which a strange black stone sigil appeared to Robert E. Howard creations such as Dark Agnes, Solomon Kane and Conan.
Rush! Forbidden Planet reveal their MCM London limited exclusives
As you’d expect for such potentially valuable and certainly collectable comics, all three are bagged and boarded. Pre-orders are open now.
A first look at Jim Zub’s new Conan the Barbarian comic series
We’ve covers and some insides to share, and some big names are attached to the alternative covers, including Panosian, Artgerm and Mignola!
Here by Dragons: First look cover reveal for the latest Rivers of London comics
Artist José Mara Beroy and writers Ben Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel (The Vinyl Detective) team up with BAFTA-nominated scriptwriter and award-winning New York Times bestselling author James Swallow for the latest Rivers of London comic book series.
Competition: Horizon Zero Dawn: Peach Momoko Poster Portfolio
It’s been a bit of a logistics battle, but it looks like Titan Comic’s Horizon Zero Dawn: Peach Momoko Poster Portfolio is on the way to shops.
Titan Comics will publish an Astroneer: Countdown series based on the video game universe
Titan Comics has announced a new and original graphic novel series based on the Astroneer universe in the game.
A look inside: Bloodborne Lady of the Lanterns
We’ve seen the covers already and now we’ve got our first look inside Titan’s new series.
Titan Comics lands new Conan series and co-publishing deal
Their expertise in publishing is stellar and we couldn’t be more excited to launch a barbarian horde of titles like Conan, Solomon Kane, Dark Agnes, and many more together.