At the start of the month Geek Native covered the Dead Roots Kickstarter. It’s going well; there’s still 10 days on the clock, more than 230 backers, funded and well into stretch goals now. Here’s the pitch: [Back this Campaign] In about a week’s time Kickstarter will send out a reminder email to all those […]
Catching up with VS Comics: issue 4
At the start of the year I looked at Mike Garley and James Moran’s VS Comics (issue 1). This is an anthology of stories available across a few digital platforms. Since then Garley’s Eponymous, one of the four stories, has a book of its own and is worth tracking. However, the usual appeal of an […]
Dead Roots review
Dead Roots is a zombie comic anthology, with a first edition just out, and a quarterly publishing schedule via Apple’s NewStand app. There’s a Kindle version in development. The premise is simple but effective; Dead Roots follows the initial outbreak of a zombie plague. As an anthology is follows different people in multiple short stories, […]