Obsolete is a free anime web series from Bandai Namco Arts. The first half of the series is on YouTube, and if you select subtitled/closed captions you’ll get scripted English rather than the algorithms best guess! What a difference it makes.
The trailer for part 2 is now out. It reveals that the second half of the series, that’s episodes 7 to 12, will debut on December 1st. If you’re a YouTube Premium user, then you get them at once, but the rest of us need to wait a week for each one.
The robot anime is set on Earth, but on an alternative timeline where Exoframes are 2.5 metres tall, neurally operated mecha that are based on alien technology.
What did that technology cost us? One ton of limestone and now Exoframes are cheaper than tanks, usable by anyone and spread across the globe.
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