Absolute Tabletop have released the beta version of the Harbinger roleplaying game for free.

You can download a PDF version from their website.
Harbinger is a grim, weird and wonderful science-fantasy RPG and it uses D&D’s 5e ruleset.
Ancient voidships drift across the Known Orbits of the gas giant Bastion. A mancer’s veins glow vivid emerald as she channels volatile space energy. A grime-streaked mechanist, accompanied by her floating spheroids, breaks the centuries-old seal on a rune-etched door. A tireless treader, armed with his heirloom pulser weapon, tracks a beast across the desolate wastes of a fringe moon. The Harbinger, a leviathan alien structure, eclipses the stars.
In the core rules you’ll get;
- Three character classes with dozens of talents
- Three origins with legacy and background traits
- Rules differing from standard 5e, including skills, environment conditions, item conditions, weapon properties, damage types, and spellcasting
- Voidship exploration, combat, and customization
- Gear and equipment, including pulsers, weapon and armor mods, and powered armor
- Rules for astracasting with more than 20 unique spells
- Discover the moon of Dagerad, ripe for exploration
- Extensive history and lore of the Known Orbits
- A map detailing the moons of Bastion
- A sampling of creatures with statblocks