Cave of Monsters Games is taking their HenshinI RPG to the next level with Kickstarter. The game is based on the manga and Japanese TV genre of colourful superheroes – perhaps best imagined as Power Rangers in the West. It’s a diceless RPG.
They asked for $5,000 and now, with 24 days still on the clock as this post goes live, they have over $10,000 pledged. You can follow progress on the Kickstarter campaign page.
Henshin! has been available for two years as a PDF and now it very much looks like it’ll become a print on demand DriveThruRPG title as well.
A pledge of $15 will get you the PDF, and it is just a step up to $25 to get the physical copy. You will have postage and packaging to pay, though.
The pledge tiers go higher still, even up to $500 for a virtual session with Sam Kusek and Tim Batiuk’s team to discuss mechanics, design as well as marketing and promotion.
The game sets out to be as accessible as possible, proud of their record of inclusion for LGBTQ+ heroes as well as disabled heroes.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!