This isn’t a Kickstarter. If you like the sound of the 2d8 project you can endorse without spending any money. That’s worth doing because there are only a few days left on the clock for this stage of the project and 2d8 are a whisker away from collecting the endorsements they need. It might be your thumbs up that push them over the line and wouldn’t that make you popular?
Project 2d8 is a roleplaying platform and a collection of tools, written in JavaScript, HTML 5 and the like. It promises on-the-fly world generation, which is pretty impressive, and a lot more. Here’s the list.
- Customizable map generation, pulling from a library of free resources including map tiles, figures, and monsters.
- Persistent states, save your game and continue later.
- On-the-fly map changes.
- High-Quality art, including animation.
- In-Game Physics (light, water, Fog of War, etc.).
- Robust Scripting Engine.
- This allows users to create specific in-game events, or even build complete rule sets specific to their game.
- Voice chat
- Audio filters to provide unique effects, particularly for voice-alteration.
- Text chat.
- Video communication.
- Content Management System.
- Wiki-based area so that multiple users can access files.
- Other Content Management solutions for more permanent pages.
- Marketplace to buy and sell resources to be used in games.
- Get premium content and items in our marketplace.
- Additionally, content creators (artists, writers, etc.) can provide resources for the public and receive credits or cash for their sales.
- The app is free and can be used without paying premiums! There will be options to upgrade or unlock features but we want there to be no reason why anyone can’t use our system.
- And so much more!
This will be my first experience of the CommunityFunded website so I’m pulled in by that alone. It’ll be interesting to see whether this Kickstarter alternative starts to appear more often on the roleplaying radar. The option of being able to offer rewards is certainly an interesting one as cooperative Kickstarters often happen behind the scenes but the site doesn’t really support the concept.
There’s more information about Project 2d8 on Facebook along with the chance to ask questions.