Jesse Ross’ contribution to Zine Quest this year is a lifeguard RPG of cosmic horror. A candidate for the best title of the season, the game is called R’lyehwatch.
The game needs a GM, dice, tokens and the willingness to merge Baywatch with the Cthulhu Mythos. You can find out more or pledge from Kickstarter.

The 40-page and 5.5″ x 8.5″ book will be full colour, saddle-stitched print and have a PDF version too.
Jesse Ross is offering free worldwide shipping, which is bold.
The system is based on Richard Woolcock’s Tricubes Tales, a gaming engine from Zadmar Games and supported by dozens of free or ultra-low cost settings and adventures.
When a PC faces consequences of a challenge, then one, two or three dice are rolled against a target number of four, five or six. The PC has succeeded if even one dice hits the target number.

Characters also have perks (a helpful resource, trait, or ability) and quirks (something that can get you in trouble). Players spend luck tokens to make a roll easier using their perk, and recover luck tokens by making a roll harder using their quirk. Players lose grit tokens after failing particularly tough challenges, and recover grit tokens by succeeding on a roll made harder with their quirk, or by having a dramatic interlude scene with another character. A character who runs out of grit tokens is taken out of the current scene, but they always show back up later (unless you’re playing in horror mode, where running out of grit means you’re dead!).
You can support the indie project by pledging $15. That gets you the PDF and printed zine with free worldwide shipping.
There are higher tiers; $28 for two zines and $52 for four.
Jesse Ross, known for Trophy, works with the horror author Jayme Antrim on R’lyehwatch. The team estimates a December delivery date.