Magical Girl Destroyers is an original anime in which an organisation known as the SSC destroys geek culture in Japan. The latest video centres on a character called Otaku Hero and three warriors, Anarchy, Blue and Punk, magical girls who admire him.
The anime is due out in Japan this year, and now there will be a free-to-play mobile game called Magical Girl Destroyers KAI.
In Magical Girl Destroyers KAI, you’ll be Otaku Hero and leading the battle to save geek culture. The trailer shows three heroes you can command, and the shadows suggest more will be revealed later.
There’s a game-exclusive character, too, called Peace, and registration starts next month. Will the game go international? There’s no suggestion of that yet.
Bibury Animation Studios are running the anime project with Hiroshi Ikehata directing.
Via Crunchyroll.
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