It’s been a busy day at Kickstarter but let’s look at the launch from Mana Project Studio. Lifting off is the Cowboy Bebop RPG, which has crossed 1,000 backers and will soon have me in its ranks.
Not beating about the bush, happily beating the drum instead, Mana reminds us this is the official TTRPG of one of the most famous anime series ever. You can see progress on the pitch page.

There’s no pitch video, but there is a free 51-page quickstart.
It’s the 25th anniversary of the series and the chance to join Ed and the others, oh, sorry, Spike, Jet Black, Faye and the corgi Ein on the Bebop as bounty hunters.
That means always being in debt, facing danger, ghosts from the past and weird mushrooms.
This Kickstarter will fund both the Italian and English games; a French one is coming but will get a separate campaign next year.
Cowboy Bebop Roleplaying Game is, well, a tabletop roleplaying game, meaning that there is a game structure paired with a tale: the players will take turns playing by the rules and telling the tale, explaining how the game results reflect in the fiction, knowing that what happens in the game influences the fiction and what happens in the fiction influences decisions within the game.

A pledge of €19 is enough to get the PDF edition and digital stretch goals, with access to the pledge manager so you can update subsequently.
The hardcover edition is added, but you’ll have shipping to pay later for the €49 tier.
There are Cowboy Bebop dice, a DM screen, and a printed version of the quickstart and physical stretch goals, and these are added to the offered rewards at €99.
There’s also a deluxe edition of the hardcover, which will swap with the hardback while keeping all the goodies at €149 for early birds and €159 for everyone else.
Whether digital or physical, Mana and partners estimate delivery to be around November 2023.