I don’t have the context; I just noticed the bundles going live and presume that we’ve the tabletop RPG community of publishers and creators rallying to raise money for war-torn Ukraine.

It’s impressive what the hobby can and will do, and these bundles are generous so let’s take a look at a summary. Oh, and one of the games featured is “After the War” by Genesis of Legend Publishing and I’ll use that as a thumbnail as it seems fitting. War is horror.
Doctors Without Borders D&D Bundle for $19.99 (RRP $181.90)
and it includes
- Fading Embers Setting Manual by Valiant Fox Gaming.
- Handimonsters Annual 2022 by Handiwork Games.
- Jester David’s How-To Guide to Fantasy Worldbuilding by 5 Minute Workday Publishing.
- And others.
Doctors Without Borders Mega Bundle 1 for $24.99 (RRP $203.04)
and it includes
- After the War by Genesis of Legend Publishing.
- Age of Ambition: Fantasy Roleplaying in an Age of Promise or Peril by Tab Creations.
- BEAN! The D2 RPG Second Edition by Fabled Worlds.
- Et al
Doctors Without Borders Mega Bundle 2 for $24.99 (RRP $212.72)
and it includes
- Eclipse Phase Second Edition Condensed Player’s Guide by Posthuman Studios.
- Epyllion: A Dragon Epic by Magpie Games.
- Forthright Open Roleplay Core Rulebook by Room 209 Gaming.
- And others.
Adventurers League for Doctors Without Borders for $9.99 (RRP $65.77)
and it includes
- CCC-YLRA-SDCC01-1 Exploratory Arts by Mike Olson.
- CCC-NBDD01-02 Where Can She Be by Robbie Pleasant.
- CCC-STORM-02 Swamp of Sorrow: Bloodpurge Village by Keith McKinnis and William Murakami-Brundage.
- Et al.
Doctors Without Borders MEGABUNDLE for $19.99 (RRP $173.52)
and it includes
- The Festival of Magic by David Flor.
- A Day with the Fey by Jessica Marcrum.
- A Mischievous Mess by H.R. Bumga.
- And others.
Doctors Without Borders MEGABUNDLE 2 for $19.99 (RRP $179.02)
and it includes
- A Fey Mystery of Glen Dourn by Yvris Burke.
- A Goblin Did It! – How the Random Encounter Table Was Born by AJ Freyley.
- Alchemy 101 by Nick Scott.
And others.
Player Options for Doctors Without Borders for $9.99 (RRP $88.41)
and it includes
- Heroes of the Realms by Jeremy Forbing.
- Arcane Tradition: Blood Magic by David McDonough.
- Birds of Paradise by Posion Potion Press.
- Et al.
A big thanks to all publishers, authors, artists and the OBS team involved in putting together these offers.
You can also donate directly through agencies like The Red Cross. Doctors Without Borders / Medcins Sans Frontieres have their own how to help page as well.