The 19-inch tall and transforming Titan Autobot Ark is in Entertainment Earth’s Cyber Monday sale.
It’s a 10% discount on the Autobot, but other discounts go up to 85%.
The 10% is working, though. The War for Cybertron Kingdom model is the site’s second best selling item of the day as we draw close to the end. A pack of Star Wars figures at 50% off has the top spot.

The mainframe Autobot transforms into the Teletraan-1 computer complete with discs to show the location of the Earth. It featured in the pilot series More Than Meets The Eye.
The purchase includes a micro Optimus Prime figure for sale, landing gear, jet blast engine effects, and a retractable ramp.
Escape from Cybertron with one of the biggest ships on the planet! The amazing Transformers War for Cybertron Kingdom Titan Autobot Ark converts between Ark ship and robot mode in 26 steps. Ship mode features landing gear and a ramp that comes down. Fit the included Optimus Prime and other micro figures inside the ship mode! The robot’s chest piece can be removed and converts into Autobot computer Teletraan-1, with detailed heads-up displays. And the small computer converts to Deluxe Autobot Mainframe robot mode in 21 steps.
The bad news? Entertainment Earth’s sale ends on November 30th. They’re not hanging around.