Nordlond Bestiary and Enemies is a Kickstarter project for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game. That RPG is powered by GURPS, a generic system from Steve Jackson Games, and is all about being a fun hack’n’slash.
The Nordlond Bestiary adds a Viking culture theme, with sagas of lotting, pillaging and raiding for wealth paired with “Smash Evil For Fun and Profit”. The Gaming Ballistic campaign is looking for $34,000 to fund. It is 70% of the way there with two weeks on the clock. You can watch progress, find out more or back on the pitch page.

If successful, the book will start out at 128 pages and aspire to grow with stretch goals. The monsters might have appeared before in Gaming Ballistic products or other games, but some are new.
Potentially, the Nordlond Bestiary and Enemies Book will top out at 240 pages and have a The Fantasy Trip, also from Steve Jackson Games, conversion completed as well.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a fantasy roleplaying game in possession of dungeons, must be in want of more monsters. No, more than that. Even more.

Backers at the $35 level will get a PDF of the PDF, which will be in full colour and grow if stretch goals allow.
At $50, that digital pack expands to include a quick reference PDF and a VTT collection.
Supporting the campaign at $55 unlocks a host of rewards, including the Delvers to Grow Core Book, Strong Delvers, Smart Delvers and Fast Delvers. There’s also the Hand of Asgard, Hordlondr Folk and Fantastic Dungeon Grappling supplements, all in PDF.
The print copy, a hardback, replaces all that and comes with the PDF at $65.
The tiers stretch upwards, with various combinations until the retailer packs at $450, which offers three books.
Gaming Ballistic expects the campaign to deliver around June 2022.