Bundles are popular on DriveThruRPG and DMs Guild.
Typically, customers can buy multiple books, from one or more publishers, at a discount. It’s a way to try new things or get people to try new things. Nicely, because the tabletop hobby is full of awesome people, bundles that raise money for charities are pretty common.

Today, OneBookShop, the company that runs DriveThruRPG, PathfinderInfinite and the DMsGuild, added three new charities to the list of charities that these bundles can support. They are;
- DOTS RPG Project – who make braille dice and other accessibility work.
- Outreach Action International – human rights for LGBTIQ people.
- Southern Poverty Law Centre – racial justice in the South of America.
These three charities weren’t picked at random. Earlier the year, OBS asked customers and creators which charities were popular and important to them.
Other charities already on the list include the Hero Initiative, Jasper’s Game Day and RAINN.
It is the bundle builders, not customers, who pick which charities benefit from bundles.