There is some incredible generosity on display from creators in the D&D community today. Eight different and extremely generous bundles of games, supplements and accessories are now available from the DM’s Guild, and the potential savings for gamers are significant.
You can access the full set of eight bundles from the Fight Fires WIth Games page at the DM’s Guild. Yes, there’s even one from Wizards of the Coast.
Adding the regular prices of the games in the bundles up comes to a scary $1981,19. That’s nearly 2K worth of games.
The discounted total, though, is a fraction of that. You could buy every one of these bundles for $149.72, and if my maths holds up, that’s a 92% discount.
Money raised will go to helping charity efforts in Australia and the bushfire tragedy there.
It’s been a bit of a burdensome manual process, but I wanted to list every product in each bundle, so the creators get a mention. Here goes.
Fight Fires With Games: Capes, Grit and Gunsmoke bundle
Usual Price: $251.47
Bundle Price: $19.95
The discount price is for the whole bunch which you can buy at the DM’s Guild here.
- The WatchGuard Sourcebook 3e by Xion Studios.
- Dime Adventures: Pulp Alternate History Roleplaying by Tab Creations.
- Ballad of the Pistolero by Foxwood Games.
- Sub-ether #1 by Dreaming Gynoid.
- Infinite Tomes by Inkwell Ideas.
- War by Sail by Ostfront Publishing.
- Super Kids – A Superhero Expansion for Hero Kids by Conrad Evanshire.
- ICONS: Origins by Ad Infinitum Adventures.
- GeRPSy – Generic Role-Playing System by Ogre Mage Games.
- The Ground Itself by Everest Pipkin.
- Afterpeak Systemless Setting by Point of Insanity Game Studio.
- [M&M3e] World Defenders: The Summit – Enhanced Edition by Fainting Goat Games.
- The Glory of Kings 7th edition core rules PBM / PBEM by AGEMA.
- “3Deep” (2nd Edition) by PPM.
- Legion of Liberty: Superheroes of 1776 by Happy Monster Press.
- Outdoor Tiles: Seasonal Trees by Dungeon Channel.
- Cold Steel Wardens: Roleplaying in the Iron Age of Comics by Blackfall Press, LLC.
- Seafoot Games – Clandestine Mansion | 20×30 Battlemap by Seafoot Games.
- Dateline: Lovecraft #1: Arkham, 1928 by Cthulhu Reborn.
- The Keep 2.0 – Personal Information Manager for Gamers by NBOS Software.
- Brave New World by Full Moon Enterprises.
- Metagene Super Hero Roleplaying Game by Imperfekt Gammes.
- Mutants & Masterminds Atlas of Earth-Prime by Green Ronin.
- Burps by Games 4 Geeks.
- The Hive and the Flame by Terry Sofian.
Fight Fires With Games: Fantasy Core & Settings bundle
Usual Price: $215.16
Bundle Price: $19.95
The discount applies to purchases of the whole bundle.
- Legendary Locations – Towerford by Kabouter Games.
- The Ninja Crusade 2nd Edition by Third Eye Games.
- Death of Ulfstater, GMZero RPG 5 by post world games.
- Ambrosia – Manual by Red Eyed Rabbit.
- Shadows of Esteren – Book 1 Universe by Agate RPG.
- Mundus RPG by Northern Realms.
- The Dark of Hot Springs Island by Swordfish Islands.
- BLUEHOLME™ Journeymanne Rules by Dreamscape Design.
- Melestrua’s RPG settings: Ragnar’s Keep by Melestrua’s Mysteries.
- The Sabre RPG Fantasy Premium Edition by Dragonsbane Entertainment.
- The Sword of the Bastard Elf by Two-Fisted Fantasy.
- Endless Realms: Corebook by Lunar Games Inc.
- The Dig: A Roleplaying Game by Shoreless Skies Publishing.
- Axes and Anvils by Shields Up! Publishing.
- Tegwyn Saga Roleplaying Game by Fine Falcon Games.
- Aireron Campaign Setting by Raccoon Tune.
- DeScriptors RPG: Definitive Edition by Tim Bannock.
- Spire by Rowan, Rook & Decard.
- MajiMonsters: The Monster-Catching Role-playing Game by Late Knight Games.
- Rusałka by Teapot Dome Games.
- New Horizon: All-In-One Core Book by Knights & Legends Tabletop RPG.
Fight Fires With Games: Fantasy Supplements bundle
Usual Price: $477.24
Bundle Price: $29.95
The incredible discount available here applies to the purchase of the whole bundle only.
- Sentient Skies by Mind Weave RPG.
- A silent school by Trilobite production.
- Lamp’s Lamp: Sanity Rules & Sanitarium Staff Bundle for 5e by Saturday Morning Scenarios.
- Operation Unfathomable by Hydra Cooperative.
- The Trolls of Mistwood by Shinobi 27 Games.
- [VDP 5E] Mage-Errant by Vorpal Dice Press.
- The Hidden Halls of Hazakor by Insane Angel Studios.
- Filler Spot Art – Every Starting Item from 5e by Samantha Darcy.
- Complete Deck Collection – Universal RPG Tools by Chronicle Cards.
- Sundered Sisters by Jessica Ross.
- CAL1 Calidar, In Stranger Skies by Calidar Publishing.
- Dungeons on Demand: Volume Two by Dan Coleman Productions.
- Background & Details Kit 2 – Fantasy Edition by Ennead Games.
- Dragons of the Spring (audio product) by Grey Wolf Writes.
- Things That Went Wrong While You Were Away by Up to Four Players.
- Fantasy RPG Book – InDesign Template 2 by Aegis Creative.
- The Big Book of Backgrounds (5e) by P.B. Publishing.
- Professor Humbert Drumsley: 5e Adventure Codex by Terry Herc.
- Evermist (for Fantasy Hero) by Daniel E Stafford.
- Bullet Journaling for Gamemasters by Dancing Lights Press.
- 5 Fantasy Barkeeps, Volume 1 by John Ross Rossomangno.
- Ruma: Dawn of Empire by Azure Keep.
- The Migmadaugh Stone by Wolfhill Entertainment.
- Torchbearer Sagas: The Grind by Mordite Press.
- The Grande Temple of Jing by Hammerdog Games.
- DRAGONLOCK Ultimate: Dungeon Starter Set by Fat Dragon Games.
- Temple Of Greed by D-oom Products.
- Temple of the Ape God by Svartkonst.
- Mini-Dungeon Monthly #1 by AAW Games.
- Familiars of Terra by Angry Hamster Publishing.
- The Necromancer’s Regret by Halli the DM.
- A Guide to Heraldry for Roleplayers by Ambula In Fabulam.
- The Howling Caverns (5e) by By Odin’s Beard.
- SHOTGLASS ADVENTURES Volume 1 by Laidback DM.
- The Cloud Dungeon by AndHeGames.
- Powers of the Mind by Harpoon Cannon Gaming.
- Soul for the Ocean Dark by The Keep Studios.
- The Lazy DM’s Workbook by SlyFlourish.
- The Pirate GM’s Essential Nautical Charts and Tables by Black Shark Enterprises.
- The Sea Demon’s Gold (5e) by Arc Dream Publishing.
- Giant Shadows in the Fog by Potions of Adventure.
- The Eat, Drink, and be Merry Collection #1 by Faceless Publishing.
- Fear in Blazing Fork (Levels 4-7) by Hellebarde Games.
- The Cathedral of Light by Soul Guardian Publishing.
- O, Niata! Part One; Dirge de Nasherok by TimewarpVortex Games.
- Rex Draconis RPG: Rising Tides (5E) by Rex Draconis RPG.
- Intriguing Lingo: The Language of Espionage by The Halls of Gaming.
- The Lazy GM: Freaks and Horrors by Creative Conclave.
- Shields Of Power Core Rulebook by D A Nichols, Shields of Power.
- Escaping Thalamus’s Lab by Uri Lifshitz.
- Monstrum Encyclopedia by David Morris.
- The Wizard’s Tower by Devious Games.
- The Terror of the Machine by Freelancing Roleplayers’ Press.
- Into The Reach (revised edition) by Virgil and Beatrice.
- Fantasy Archetypes: Plague Doctor by Misfit Studios.
Fight Fires With Games: Modern & Urban Horror bundle
Usual Price: $316.89
Bundle Price: $19.95
The discount only applies to the entire bundle.
- Scion: Hero by Onyx Path Publishing.
- The Flame From Space by Matakishi’s Tea House.
- Urban Shadows by Magpie Games.
- Zombie Fighter by DARKMOOK Paper Miniatures.
- Mythos Audio Library 1: Call of Cthulhu by Dream Machine Productions.
- Girl Genius: Second Journey Book 1 by Studio Foglio.
- Horrors From the Tomb by Tomb of Nyarlathotep Games.
- Spellbound! by Malcolm Harbrow.
- Kung Fu Family Rules! by Mario Zecca.
- Network Notes by Epistolary Richard.
- Z-LAND: The Survival Horror RPG by Stormforge Productions.
- Pierced Heart [digital] by Atlas Games.
- Rockopolis GDR – English version by Minos Games.
- The Fallen by Mystical Throne Entertainment.
- Of Blood and Bays by Katriel Paige.
- Strays! by Wordsmith Games, LLC.
- This We’ll Defend: The Weapons and Equipment of the U.S. Army by Shilka Publishing.
- Terror Australis by Chaosium.
- Blitzkrieg Commander IV by Pendraken Miniatures.
- True Agenda by Streaming Consciousness Studios, LLC.
- Final Lap by Gulix.
- The Opening of the Gates: Book 1 by Dark Gatekeeper Gaming.
- He Who Laughs Last by Weird 8.
- Witness to the Execution by Narratio Press.
- Noir World by johnadamus.
- What Remains by Elementary Publishing.
- Elvis: The Legendary Tours by Marcus L. Rowland.
- Black Books: Tomes of the Outer Dark by Beyond Belief Games.
- Cabal by Corone Design.
- Tremendous Traits by Spax Studios.
- Fathom #1 by Aspen Comics.
- VIDEOSTORE – A Monster of the Week Double Feature by Sinister Beard Games.
- Archetype by Archetype.
- Slaves to Fate – Adventure for Demon Gate by Earl of Fife Games.
- Punk Mambo Trade by Valiant Comics.
Fight Fires With Games: Starships & Posthumanity bundle
Usual Price: $383.16
Bundle Price: $29.95
The discounted price applies to purchases of the whole bundle.
- BLEEDING EDGE: High-Tech Low-Life Role-Play by Sanguine Productions.
- Archives of the Sky by Aaron A. Reed.
- High Plains Samurai Roleplaying Game by Broken Ruler Games.
- Points in Space: Starport Locations by Cumberland Games & Diversions.
- Eclipse Phase: After the Fall by Posthuman Studios LLC.
- Ships of Clement Sector 1-3: Hub Federation Warships by Independence Games.
- The Bridges we Burn – a Numenera Adventure by Janek Sielicki.
- Synthicide RPG by Will Power Games.
- Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit by R. Talsorian Games Inc..
- Regeneration – Core Rulebook by Sam Galer.
- Unstable Node (Aetherium Adventure) by Anvil 8 Games.
- Durance by Bully Pulpit Games.
- Stay Frosty by Garske Games.
- The Wasteland Hack Special Edition Expanded by FeralGamersInc.
- Kaiju Kaos: The Miniatures Game by Bailey Records.
- SteamCraft by Perilous Journeys Publishing.
- Cold Space – a FrontierSpace scenario of Sci-Fi horror by Flight of the Valkyries.
- Torg Eternity – Core Rules by Ulisses Spiele.
- LIFTS: Ultimate Pump Edition by Korvidae Games.
- Carbyne Jungle by Nor Cal Mythos Entertainment.
- Free Spacer by Random Alien Games.
- Ideas and Inspiration for Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers by Good Looking Corpse.
- S&S: Galactic Primer on Natural Environments by HopePunk Press.
- VANGUARD RPG ‘Varmisk Fallen’ Core Rules by Broken Tower.
- Steampunk Crescendo by Dave M Games.
- Age of Steel by Isolation Games.
- Rocket Age – Core Rulebook by Why Not Games.
- Fantastic Worlds: Pulp Action in the Far Reaches of Space by Rattrap Productions LLC.
- SPACE DUNGEON Book II: Xenozoa and Uncommon Technology by Furious Rabbit Productions.
- Outpost Utility Truck: 3D Printable for 28mm Sci-Fi by Tabletop Terrain.
- Heart of the Atom Isa by Mottokrosh Machinations.
- Claustrophobia! by Rising Phoenix Games.
- Dust Bowl Galaxy Rulebook by Lagging Dice LLC.
- TSAO: These Stars Are Ours! by Stellagama Publishing.
Fight Fires With Games: Adventurers League bundle
Usual Price: $158.17
Bundle Price: $9.99
The bundle discount applies only to purchases of the bundle, not individual products.
- CCC-YLRA01-01 Her Dying Wish by Jeremy Forbing.
- CCC-CNE-01 The Treasure Beneath by Haider Rizvi.
- Spears of Glip Dak: Four Adventures by William Beers.
- DDAL00-10 Trust and Understanding by Alan Patrick.
- CCC-QCC2019-01 Hillsfar’s Rancid Webs by Jonathan Kennedy-Ellis.
- CCC-CNE-02 Before The Hatch by Matthew Chung.
- CCC-KUMORI-02-01 Vacant by Ma’at Crook.
- TRI Nightmare Series Bundle by Eric Boaen.
- CCC-SAC-02 Fun With Fey by Kelly Samuelson.
- CCC-NBDD01-01 Clever by Robbie Pleasant.
- DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells by Greg Marks.
- CCC-KUMORI-02-02 School Magic by Drew Wood.
- CCC-COS-01 The Only Way To Be Sure by Jason Panella.
- CCC-ODFC02-02 Palace of the Efreeti by Y. Michael Zhang.
- CCC-GSP-PHIL01-03 The Whispering Shadows of the Eldest Ruin by Greasy Snitches.
- CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers by William Beers.
- CCC-TRI-32 Casks and Caskets (Part One of the DAGGR Series) by Matthew Lee Myers.
- Jaunt to the Center of Faerûn by Noah Grand.
- CCC-HAL-01 Fate of the Nightworms by Andrew Bishkinskyi.
- CCC-3MAGS-ONE Vormestrand’s Scroll by Travis Woodall.
- CCC-DES-01-02 A Sanity Never Questioned by Jonathan Connor Self.
- CCC-CNE-03 Into The Depths by Mark McClenaghan.
- The Heir of Orcus: Verse III – CCC-ROLL20-02 by Anthony Joyce.
- CCC-FC3-03 Tales of Estirwald: The Fun House by Malcolm Wood.
- CCC-GSP01-01 A Dragon’s Breath by Greasy Snitches.
- CCC-GARY01: A Night to Remember by Thomas Valley.
Fight Fires With Games: Community Creators bundle
Usual Price: $129.21
Bundle Price: $9.99
The bundle can purchased and inspected in more details at the DM’s Guild.
- City of Eyes by Oliver Clegg.
- The Most Dangerous Game by S.J. Twining.
- Tulas (Playable Spider Race) by Willy Abeel.
- Myriad, City of Tiers by Alan Tucker.
- The Layer Between – Warlock Patron for 5E by Forrest G. Emerson.
- Grappler’s Handbook by Joshua Vargo.
- The Witch of Underwillow by Merric Blackman.
- Cartographer by Hannah Rose.
- The Korranberg Chronicle: Adventurer’s Almanac by Korranberg Chronicle.
- Greenhouse of Nightmares by Zeke Gonzalez.
- Warriors of Sehanine by Florian Emmerich.
- Encounters on the Savage Seas by Jeff C. Stevens.
- {WH} Lera! A moth-like character race of susurrant scholars by Walrock Homebrew.
- Red Jack: A Gothic Earth Adventure by M.T. Black.
- College of Caterwauling by Jessica Marcrum.
- Joy of Monster Cooking by Lex Mandrake.
- The Swamp Beast by Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett.
- Opus of Extrinsic Substance – 60 Otherworldly Spells by DropTheDie.
- Titles of Power (And How to Obtain Them) by Lydia Van Hoy.
- Uncaged | Volume III by Uncaged Authors.
- Circle of the Elementals – Druid Subclass by Brittney Hay.
- The Ghostly Library by Catherine Evans.
- Scoundrel’s Spellbook: 25 Spells for Pirates, Rascals, and Rakes by Ashton Duncan.
- Knarl’s Candy Compendium by Makenzie De Armas.
- Volo’s Lost Encounters by Jean Lorber.
Fight Fires With Games: Wizards of the Coast bundle
Usual Price: $50.19
Bundle Price: $9.99
You can check out and buy Wizard of the Coast’s bundle from the DM’s Guild.
- DDIA-XGE Underworld Speculation by Wizards of the Coast.
- DDIA-MORD Rrakkma (5e) by Wizards of the Coast.
- Locathah Rising (5e) by Wizards of the Coast.
- One Grung Above (5e) by Wizards of the Coast.
- Dreams of the Red Wizards: Dead in Thay (D&D Next) by Wizards of the Coast.
Let me know if I’ve missed any.
The DM’s Guild charity effort follows on from publishers like Green Ronin and Chaosium setting the tone with early discounts and offers.
Creative Commons credit: Firefighter by whiskeycoke57, Firecaster Skyler by arhiee, Flaming Sword by Beatriz Galiano, House Fire by Riley Horne, Blood and Fire by Joazzz2, Flame of Ashe Fan Art by durly, Magma Monster by saifful johan foo and Jaya Ballard by Gilly Renk.
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