Don’t have a copy of Steve Jackson Games’ generic universal roleplaying game GURPS? There’s now a Kickstarter for GURPS Girl Genius, that’s a game set in Phil and Kaja Foglio’s comics and graphic novels of steampunk magic and humour.
Girl Genius asked for nearly $13,000 to fund, and with about three weeks left on the clock, has pushed through the $70,000 line. There are more than 1,200 backers. You can see the latest total and join in from the pledge page.

The campaign funds a complete RPG using the GURPs rules, covering character generation, equipment, combat, tasks and since this is a Girl Genius game, also rules for Spark inventions.
Some of the tiers are limited in number.
In the setting, a fantasy land is divided into kingdoms with colourful noble families struggling for power. Magical inventors, known as Sparks, create all sorts of machines to either enhance daily life or become awful weapons.
We get biographies and character sheets for some of the canon characters in the RPG. There’s a detailed description of the setting and tips on how to bring it to life.
Adventure! Romance! Mad Science! Imagine a version of the Victorian era in which the wildest dreams of early science-fiction writers are a reality. A talent known as the Spark inspires great, if not always sane, minds to reshape the world via technology. Noble houses jockey for influence and power while common folk keep their head down to avoid the crazed inventors and their crazed inventions.

A pledge of $35 will get the complete digital copy of the game. That core book now includes an 8-page comic thanks to stretch goals being made.
The US shipped hardcover game is given to backers at the $50 tier. International backers also must find $50 but should select a different reward tier.
Higher, limited tiers, such as the Hardcover + Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls game at $75 and Girl Genius + Basic Set, exist with May 2022 dates. The retailer box comes later.