Degenesis was an amazingly well-illustrated RPG set in a dreadfully bleak post-apocalypse Europe. It used a novel but hard to master game system.
SIXMOREVODKA, the publisher, has called it a day – at least from a tabletop RPG point of view.
Unfortunately, due to a consistent and severe drop in sales and donations over the past months, we’ve been forced to make the call to end the Roadmap experiment prematurely. As of today, we are canceling all development of the DEGENESIS IP and bringing the RPG line to its end.
The announcement was made on Discord (shared on the fan Reddit) and notes that the free material will remain and kept live.
If you’ve pre-ordered any of the books, then SIXMOREVOKDA will try, to the best of their ability, to deliver. Donations will be refunded. The art books are shipping as planned.

The company had tried a free to play model to lure people into the game.
The “Free To Play” experiment hasn’t worked out. While we have had a steady influx of new sign-ups, players, and downloads on our website, our DEGENESIS sales have been in freefall throughout 2021. Despite nearly 20k users registered to, our sales numbers have remained in the hundreds and below, with Exalters barely selling 80 copies since its release several weeks ago. It’s safe to say that this publication model has become unsustainable for us. To put things into perspective, the Rebirth Edition is leading our download charts with 18,000 downloads, yet we’ve sold less than 60 copies of the book throughout 2021.
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