Mongoose Publishing have released a new series of Paranoia RPG supplements. The R&D sourcebook was funded by a Kickstarter.
The Project Infinite Hole box set includes all sorts of dangerous fun that Research & Design has been involved in. There’s “The Happy Testing Catalogue” that contains 40 new experimental devices such as the Fluffy Safety Armour, “The GM R&D Service Book” with articles on how to use R&D in missions, “The R&D Mission Book” that contains two such missions and “The R&D Deck” of 120 cards.
GMs! How many times has this happened to you?
You send the Troubleshooter team on a mission filled with disinformation, death traps and Catch-22s, confident they will industriously slaughter themselves in a jiffy. Yet, mysteriously or even treasonously, by the time debriefing rolls around, they still have several clones left! (Sure, they failed the mission but that’s expected.) Isn’t there some way to make the game more baffling, convoluted and amusingly fatal for the Troubleshooters?
Mongoose’s graphic designer Cassie Gregory offers up an unboxing of the box, along with commentary on their role and thoughts on the work.
Other Mongoose-powered Paranoia releases include the Extinction-Class Incident Responses book and The Hole Blame, which definitely doesn’t deal with a black hole, but just the Small Item Bandit.
There’s also Mind the Gap, which helps position the black hole as a helpful thing for Alpha Complex to have and Thriftylist: Refurbished Stuff which offers access to a marketplace for Troubleshooters who would be even happier with more gear.
Quick Links
- Mongoose’s Paranoia store.
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