You can grab all 83-pages of Zweihander RPG Reforged Edition: Session Zero for free. That gets you an introduction, how to play, your character’s lifepath (appropriately abbreviated) and a ‘survivors sheet’ because this is a grim game.
ZWEIHÄNDER Reforged: World of Game Design acquires Zweihander
World of Game Design, the new owners, will release ZWEIHÄNDER Reforged, the next edition of the game, next year.
SLLSWRD launches with Gangs of Kahabro with Zweihänder’s Daniel D. Fox and Adam Rose
The new publishing house is a joint venture of Daniel D. Fox and Adam Rose, known for Zweihänder. Fox created the game, and Adam Rose owns Grim & Perilous Studios.
Competition: Win a Zweihander Fantasy Horror RPG Starter Kit
The Starter Kit is an evolution of the original ZWEIHÄNDER game, providing both new and veteran gamers with all the tools needed to play their first fantasy horror role-playing game. It’s beginner-friendly, and backward compatible with the current ZWEIHÄNDER game line.
Horror fantasy RPG: Zweihander Starter Set hits target in hours
Accompanying the news is a free to download 68-page Zweihander: Session Zero supplement.
RPG Publisher Spotlight: Grim & Perilous Studios
Grim & Perilous Studios are a group of independent contractors who collaborate on creating, reviewing, and playing games for ourselves, as well as other companies on a for-hire basis.
It’s horrible, it’s dark, and it looks good: Blackbirds RPG Powered by Zweihander launches on Kickstarter
In the game, Blackbirds are characters who are tethered to destiny’s frayed threads and have a greater role in the world. Without the Norns, this fate is malleable but still there.
Horror and conspiracy in 18th century America: A review of Flames of Freedom
Below that surface war, though, there is another, and it is even darker. The supernatural is real, dangerous, and actively out to destroy or corrupt humanity.
Grim and Perilous to remove a half dozen Zweihander products from DriveThruRPG
Tomorrow, Grim and Perilous will remove seven Zweihander supplements from DriveThruRPG.
Flames of Freedom: Overthrowing the British while being stalked by the supernatural
Powered by Zweihander, the Grim and Perilous game is set during the American Revolutionary War of 1776 and when agents of the occult entreat both the Rebel and Loyalist forces.