The RPG by Brendan Davis and Jeremy Bai was released in PDF form this December on DriveThruRPG and costs $24.70.
Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades: Wuxia Roleplaying to be published by Osprey Games
In the RPG, players will take on the roles of eccentric heroes who do demonstrate a profound mastery of martial arts and act as heroes, but who solve mysteries and avenge misdeeds as well.
Exclusive House of Paper Shadows preview
This post contains a lengthy preview of the adventure House of Paper Shadows so if you’re a player who might play it, please be fair and skip past this post instead. This download is a horror-themed wuxia adventure for Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate from Bedrock Games. Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate is a vast […]
From the inkwell: The World through Roman eyes
From the inkwell is a series in which RPG authors get to talk directly about their own games, sharing their thoughts and discussing the creation process. In this article Brendan Davis, President of Bedrock Games, discusses Servants of Gaius. Bedrock Games products are available through Studio 2 Publishing (print) and Avalon Games (PDF); the latter […]