A|State is a gothic sci-fi RPG with characters stuck in The City which they cannot leave. It deals with themes suitable for Mature Readers.
Handiwork Games are busy supporting the return of a|state II, which will be a Forged in the Dark game and ran a scenario for the online Albacon.
That scenario, Nicely Done is now available on DriveThruRPG as a free download. You will need Blades in the Dark to play it.
Mire End is a forlorn place: miles of brick and concrete tenements, all slowly disintegrating. Water covers the streets, the drainage systems destroyed long ago. The damp and rotting lower floors of most buildings are left empty. Denied help by the powerful Three Canals Metropolitan Area from across the Green Canal, Mire End is a place of crime and apathy. There are few jobs aside from menial work in neighbouring burghs. As a result, many in Mire End rely on crime to survive. Petty shopkeepers sell stolen goods, and young toughs collect protection tithes for the Hohler Gang. The Provosts across the canal take a dim view, but there are always customers for the black markets of Mire End.
Reports of child slavery in Mire End have led the group to investigate a woman named Hosanna Nicely…
A|State II, as keeping for Blades in the Dark, is about groups of locals in The City who stand together to help the community. Nicely Done adapts the scenario found in the original a|state.

The DriveThruRPG page tells us a little more about a|state II.
You will never forget The City… but The City will forget you.
In a|state II, you’ll create your own corner of The City, complete with factions and have access to seven playbooks for characters. Playbook options include Ghostfighter, Mapmaker and Lostfinder.
The Shifted and other mysteries from The City you can never leave return.