Recent Dungeons & Dragons events, such as D&D Live and the Rime of the Frostmaiden have come with charity supporting t-shirts.

The Gamer PRIDE! t-shirt is outselling all of them, and there are only a few days left to get it.
A dragon rises up one side of the t-shirt, spitting out a rainbow fire across the chest to the other side. The idea isn’t just to look cool but to celebrate PRIDE and support LGBTQ youth in the community.
Money raised from sales of this limited edition (only 2,000) t-shirt will help support Lambert House. If you miss the t-shirt, you can still donate directly to the charity.
In fact, at the bottom of the t-shirt page on CustomInk, WotC’s usual t-shirt partner, you can see that people are donating as well as buying the rainbow dragon design.
You can get the rainbow dragon here, but only while stock and the countdown lasts.