Serpent King Games has announced than Jonathan Hicks will write the next release for the Dragon Warriors RPG.

The Cursed King is expected out in February 2021 as a 64-page print and PDF. The adventure will be suitable for characters at level 5 or 6.
Thuland welcomes you! The town of Oskild is celebrating a prosperous year and the Master of Rings Festival has something for everyone: games, hunts, song and plenty of food and mead. There is much to do here and the rewards are rich for those who are worthy. Oskild also has a myth, that of a cursed king who suffered for his people, a magical artefact used in revenge, and dwarves who retreated deep into the earth in shame…”
Jonathan Hicks is currently working on the gritty and story-focused sci-fi Those Dark Places for Osprey Publishing.
Dragon Warriors, a remake of the classic, is available via DriveThruRPG.