Project Dark Water has made their CA$ 25,000 target. At the time of writing, there are 31 days left on this Kickstarter for 5e rules and minis as well CA$ 29,200 pledged from nearly 250 backers.
Veil of Ruin has players as heroes from tribes in a desperate search for freshwater after a strange corruption has turned the land against them. You can follow progress at the campaign page.
Pledge CA$ 26 (that’s about £16) and you get 10 (perhaps more) digital maps, the Golden Age Codex in PDF (colour and a printer-friendly version), Lost Touch adventure in PDF (colour and printer-friendly) six STL for Mini Sarcophagi, STLs for an Upira Tree and Raft as well as stretch goals.
If you can find CA$ 39 (about £24) then you get the Lost Touch adventure in hardcover but not the Codex of the main setting or you can get the Codex but not Lost Touch.
You can get both for $89 plus some Acrylic Skinny Minis, Pet Cards and Totem Tokens, GM Screen and pregenerated hero booklets.
Most backers, though, have gone higher still and to CA$ 129 for all the above and a miniatures package and fold-out maps as well.
One backer has gone for the CA$ 4,500 or £2, 677 tier!
It’s an experienced team at the help with designers who have worked Warhammer 40K and computer games like Anthem, Homeworld and Dawn of War.