Imagine discovering you have the potential to be a great wizard or a great witch, but first, you have to navigate your way through a series of adventures at your magic school.

You might even have a nemesis to defeat.
Welcome to Renegade Game Studio’s Kids on Brooms roleplaying game.
The tabletop game from the same publisher as the award-winning Kids on Bikes system and Teens in Space was announced yesterday and is available as a pre-order today. It was created by Jonathan Gilmour, Doug Levandowski and Spenser Starke.
Kids on Brooms is a collaborative RPG that’s 100 pages long, rules-light and which features some fantastical beasts, rules for creating your own magical school and for wands.
The game is designed for players aged 12 and up and suits 2 to 6 people around the table.
It’s due out in August, although there’s a question mark around all shipments these days, but you get a free PDF with the $25 purchase.
Are you a Kids on Bikes fan? Is Kids on Brooms the obvious, sensible but perhaps not entirely original evolution of the line?