The Little Game Master – Of Bards and Bullies is Randall Hampton’s second book in the series. It’s a way to use RPGs to teach kids about good and useful things in life and, of course, roleplay with them.
The project has funded, collecting more than $7,000 with still 20 days to go at the time of writing, against a goal of $5,000. What’s less clear, though, is whether you need the first book to play the second.
The postage and packing in the campaign are very generous, Hampton seems keen to lower all barriers between you and The Little Game Master, but the free shipping only applies to within the States. The usual story of prohibitive international shipping applies for this US-based Kickstarter.
A pledge of $10 will get you a wallpaper and a PDF version, step up to $18, and a physical copy of the book is added. That becomes an autographed copy at $40.
The next tier up is mich higher but pretty interesting. Hampton is an illustrator, and so for $75 you’ll get the autographed book, digital stuff and an illustrated 4″x6″ portrait of your character.