Free League Workshop from Free League Publishing is a way for third-party designers to create and sell their own accessories and supplements for Free League’s settings.
In other words, got a clever Forbidden Lands adventure idea? You can write it up, sell it here and keep some of the cash.

There are, however, rules and limits. You cannot create your own Alien RPG material and sell it. You can create for
- Mutant Year Zero (including Glenlab Alpha, Mechatron and Elysium)
- Coriolis: The Third Horizon
- Forbidden Lands
- Symbaroum
- Tales from the Loop (including Things from the Flood)
There are also limitations on the sort of thing you can create. This program supports RPG supplements and settings, little else. You’re only allowed to have a small amount of flavour fiction in your products.
- No comics are allowed
- No fiction is allowed
- No music is allowed
- No software should be created
- No crowd-funded content… which is a hefty one as it rules out Kickstarter projects
As you’d expect, there are also rules around the sort of material you associate Free League’s content with. You’re not allowed to feature it with overt political agenda, discriminatory or repugnant views.
The rules are detailed on