Final Space is an animated sci-fi with madcap hijinks by Olan Rogers. Here in the UK, season 1 of Final Space is on Netflix and season 2 due out 24th November. In the States, the show airs on Cartoon Network.
Now, Rogers has announced his fantasy show, The Lion’s Blaze, has been sold to a TV channel. He just won’t say which one.
In The Lion’s Blaze characters have been trapped in a computer game for 15 years. This is a popular trope in anime right now, and a concept American mainstream knows well from Tron.
In the pilot episode, which Rogers shared to YouTube two years ago, the drama kicks up a notch after a friend is killed on an adventure. The death is the result of the GM stepping in and objecting to something a different character had done.
Sound unfair? That’s exactly it.
By the sounds of Olan Roger’s Instagram post, it was a hugely successful pitch too with five different stations wanting the series.
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