Raising money for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Pinnacle Entertainment, has a Savage Worlds tabletop RPG Bundle of Holding on offer.
At the time of writing, there are 8 days left to grab the Savage Heroes bundle. The Corebook Collection costs $19.99. The current threshold price is $30.86, which means that’s the amount you need to bid to get the Expanded Collection.
The Corebook Collection contains some $75 worth of DRM-free titles including Fear Agent, The Goon, The Sixth Gun, The Savage World of Solomon Kane and the Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer’s Edition.
This will be one of your last chances to get the Savage Worlds Soloman Kane RPG as the license reverts to Cabinet Entertainment at the end of the year.
The Expanded Collection is currently worth $81 at retail and includes Archetypes, Creature Cards, GM Screen Inserts and the Feeding Time adventure for Fear Agents. It also has the same supplements and The Great Bollaire Street Block Party adventure for The Goon. The Sixth Gun benefits from The Winding Way adventure while Solomon Kane gets Traveler’s Tales adventures too.
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