The announcement doesn’t say this is a tabletop RPG. The new Vampire is a computer game and working together the two publishers want to create a new genre for the platform called ‘the narrative RPG’.

Hang on to your hats while we attempt to sort out all the partnerships involved in this project!
White Wolf is part of Paradox Interactive, a Swedish publisher, and Bigben Interactive is a French designer and distributor of games. Neither of these two will actually make the new Vampire: the Masquerade. A fourth company called Big Bad Wolf will. If you want to keep tabs with the game’s development, then it’s Big Bad Wolf’s Facebook page you should follow.
Bigben and Big Bad Wolf both have form turning tabletop RPGs into computer RPGs. They’re Paranoia on the go right now. The showreel that Big Bad Wolf has uploaded to Facebook in place of anything yet to show for the new Vampire narrative game is full of familiar logos and titles.