El Tesoro del Dragon is a Facebook group that’s been gaining members rapidly in recent weeks. Why? Rumours that Malek Malwin and the other admins sold some incredibly artistic D&D character sheets at very low prices.
The rumours are true. Now you can buy three different character sheets, one of which is shown here, without the faff of messaging strangers on Facebook. There’s a Shoptly account where $2.5 gets you one amazingly detailed character sheet.
The catch? These sheets are fully customisable but you need Photoshop CS6 or higher to do so. You win WinRar to decompress the archive of files that Shoptly sends to you in the first place.
However, the artists insist that you don’t need professional illustration skills or knowledge of photoshop to customise the sheets.
Each sheet is in three parts; the main stats, magic and then equipment.
You can download these custom D&D sheets from Shoptly.
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