Elite: Dangerous was one of the biggest Kickstarters yet. It asked for the highest target cash total for its generation and was successful. It’s not surprising to see spin-off projects. Step forward gamer Dave Hughes, of Daftworks, Derby, UK. Daftworks being the web company he works in.
A number of things are interesting here – for a start David isn’t asking for an awful lot. He’s going for £5,250 and has £3,760 from 212 backers with 20 days to go. This Kickstarter is a tiny window into the relationship between computer games and RPGs. Where does the money go and how does it get split?
It’s also noteworthy that Hughes has to pay for writer guidelines from Frontier. I learnt about this Kickstarter from an update to Elite Dangerous backers so its safe to say that Hughes has permission and there have been discussions about licenses.
There’s a website supporting the project at daftworks.co.uk/eliterpg which suggests Daftworks is either Dave’s company or an employer who really support their employees.
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Hi there, Dave Hughes here. Just to clear up some of the confusion about Daftworks, it’s my personal company. It’s been set up to be the marketing name of the RPG and any derivative works as well as other multimedia things that might come out of my interests. I’m very excited about this project – the Kickstarter exceeded its target a few days ago and we’re still getting pledges in. Only a couple of days left to go now. Frontier have been very supportive during the Kickstarter and indeed have given me some assistance in setting up the campaign. As… Read more »
Congratulations on the successful Kickstarter. I notice you’ve made the target with a few days to go (still time for new backers to join).
Thanks for clearing up the role of Frontier and Daftworks. Gotta say; Daftworks is a cool name for a company.