With a look at the best selling family gaming on DriveThruRPG in 2023, we’ve gone through all the sections of the site, but there are more sites in the family!
In particular, the Dungeon Masters Guild is where you can find old and official Dungeons & Dragons content or new community content for 5e.
If you’re looking to find some of the best 5e created by people outside of Wizards of the Coast this year, this list could be a key part of your search.
Best selling 5e community content in 2023
- Monster Manual Expanded I | Roll20 VTT Compendium by Dragonix Books.
- Fall of Vecna by Marc Altfuldisch.
- Manual of the Planes by Andrew Welker.
- Curse of Strahd Companion: The Complete Edition by Wyatt Trull.
- Monster Manual Expanded II | Roll20 VTT Compendium by Dragonix Books.
- Tessa Presents 94 Maps for Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen by Tessa Morecroft.
- Honkonomicon by Paolo Davolio.
- Monster Manual Expanded III | Roll20 VTT Compendium by Dragonix Books.
- Encounters in the Forgotten Realms by Christian Zeuch.
- Call from the Deep | Roll20 VTT by Joshua Parry.
- Exploring Eberron Roll20 by Visionary Production and Design.
- Vecna’s Book of Vile Darkness by Anthony Anderson.
- Explorer’s Guide: A Collection of Places by Yellowbyte Studios.
- Keys from the Golden Vault: The Murkmire Malevolence DM Resources Pack by Joseph Bilton.
- Drizzt’s Travelogue of Everything Volume 2 by Lucas Anderson.
- Dragonlance: Shadow of the Black Rose by Edward Mekeel III.
- Drizzt’s Travelogue of Everything Volume 1 | Roll20 VTT by Lucas Anderson.
- D&D Solo Adventure: The Death Knight’s Squire | Roll20 by Paul Bimler.
- {OAP} Sculptor: Masterpiece Edition by Ross Leiser.
- The Giant Guide to Xen’drik by Jamie Bernstein.
The Gold bestseller, published in February, from Dragonix and the GamedayPreppers Roll20 Conversions, comes out top and is currently part of DMGuild’s End of Year sale.
Monster Manual Expanded is a bestiary that supplements the Monster Manual and aims to provide Dungeon Masters more options and flexibility in designing adventures and dressing up their dungeons with a wider variety of creatures and characters that are based on the Monster Manual. Finally, it also adds variants that provide a nostalgic and classic feel that DMs experienced with the older editions are probably familiar with.
The Roll20 module gives easy access to all the monsters, and there are more than 470, easy browsing and hundreds of unique art tokens for the virtual tabletop.
2023 best sellers
Previously, we’ve looked at the best-selling;
- Fantasy RPGs.
- Sci-Fi RPGs.
- Horror RPGs.
- Modern RPGs
- Historical RPGs.
- Miscellaneous RPGs.
- Family Gaming RPGs.
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