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The Jurassic Park 30th anniversary merch post put me to RSVLTS as a geeky store.
I signed up for their mailing list because I wanted the Clever Girl shirt. Or might want it; I concede it’s expensive. As a result, they’ve emailed me this official Asgard’s Worst shirt, this God of Mischief shirt and this The Trickster shirt.
They’re good. They are all short-sleeved so they won’t get much wear here in Scotland but they are still tempting.
Alligator Loki shirt
There’s only one Allegator Loki shirt, though.
The shirt is made from RSVLTS’ Kuneflex (bless you) material which is supposed to be some sensibly stretching fabric.
However, the appearance of a Frog-thor in the design gets to me. A Where’s Wally of Marvel oddball.
You can machine wash this frog, or shirt if you do so cold and the same for tumbling drying.
Quick Links
- Loki Gator shirt.
- RSVLTS’ Marvel collection.
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