Indie Games Cooperative and Alan Tucker are planning an art-inspired magic items Kickstarter for D&D’s 5e rules. The alert page for Incredible Items is live.

So is the 10-page free sampler. The preview of the 150-item strong supplement is free to download now, and it’ll grow. The publisher says that for every 100 followers they get on the pre-launch page, they’ll add another item to the free preview. Yeah, so for the greater good, share this page with your gaming group! :D
Wondering what an art-inspired supplement is? Tucker explains;
We asked a number of artists to go wild and design original magic items from their own imaginations. Then, we recruited a host of writers to flesh out these fantastic images with lore and abilities. We have well over 100 amazing pieces of magic item art which the writers have made into fascinating original items to delight (or frighten!) your players! There are even more items the writers came up with that we just couldn’t leave out, so you’ll have over 150 items in total!
In the sampler so far we have;
- Kazul’s Kindness – a shield
- Quicksilver Wand
- Frostbringer – a warpick
- Swordborn Blade – a longsword
- Moonvine – a wand
Evolving Artifacts
Moonvine is an example of an evolving artifact. Those rules are previewed in the sampler. Here’s an extract;
Evolving artifacts develop in stages—the item could be used as a stand-alone magic item at each of these stages. At the end of the item’s description is an “evolution,” which is triggered by an event or activity that transforms the artifact to its next stage. The first evolution is generally something that happens organically during play. It can create a magical moment for the table as the GM describes how the item changes into its new form and gains new abilities. Subsequent evolutions require increasingly difficult activities to trigger until the item becomes the full-fledged final version of the artifact.
Sound interesting? The Indie Games Cooperative note that items often begin with the writer and then move to the artist. They want to flip that around and find a different approach to magic items.
Quick Links
- Incredible Items Kickstarter.
- Incredible Items Free sampler.