In this English subtitled (caption button) trailer for Mizuhu Itsuki’s Management of Novice Alchemist, there are drugs and dragons in nearly equal measure.
TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You director Hiroshi Ikehata is at the helm, which gives me hope since that unlikely hit was so good.
This October, the show is out in Japan, and that’s too soon to know whether anyone will pick it up in the US, UK, or Canada. The light novels don’t seem that easy to find.
It’s the story of Sarasa, an orphan who graduates from a royal alchemist school with the gift of an abandoned and remote shop.
Life is not as expected since turning around the shop means harvesting a range of creature parts, dealing with people and trading.
As you might predict, the story does not continue with Sarasa living a dull life as a herbalist, and there’s an adventure in stock.
Via Anime News Network.
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