Healer Girl is an anime with an opening sequence sung by the Healer Girls, a band formed for Healer Girl.
One of the goals of the anime is to get music back into the genre, tackling how streaming platforms make it so easy to skip the opening and ending music.
In April, the show starts in Japan and has a collab already lined up with the singer May J.
Healer Girl is about the healing power of music. Here’s the official synopsis;
The third kind of medicine, healing—”voice medicine,” which uses singing to heal illness and injury. And those who perform medical treatment by singing are called “Healer.” There are three apprentice healers working at the Karasuma Voice Clinic: Kana Fujii (CV: Karin Isobe) is an energetic mood maker, Reimi Itsuhiro (Marina Horiuchi) is a little strong-willed young lady, and Hibiki Morishima (Akane Kumada) is the calm but firm older sister-type girl. After school, the three first-year high school students are training to become full-fledged healers at the clinic! Along with Sonia Yanagi (Chihaya Yoshitake), who is a returnee who is a certified C-level healer, the girls are singing songs of healing today as they work towards their dreams!
Via Crunchyroll.
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