Babies and Broadswords is a new tabletop RPG from Jason Cassidy and Even Footing Games, it’s available on Kindle, Hardcover and Paperback and at DriveThruRPG too.
A free to play/pay what your own want Babies and Broadswords Demo is also available and it shaped up well when Geek Native took a look.
Geek Native has one (1) PDF copy of Babies and Broadswords to giveaway.
Log in to the widget below to complete missions and earn points to enter the competition. Each point is a chance of winning, but winners also have to respond to an email I’ll send them to confirm details, or I’ll need to pick a back winner, and I hate doing that. I recommend whitelisting webmaster(at)
a Rafflecopter giveaway(T&Cs apply | Ends 14th Feb 2022)
This prize is recommended for tabletop RPGs and anyone tempted by the hobby. It may not be suitable for compers. However, I’ll be sending a PDF to the winner (via a download link) and accounts at RPG vendors will not be needed to claim the prize.
Imagine you know everything you know now, but you’re 4. And you’re a goblin. And there’s magic. And sharp things. And no grown-ups. Adventure and mischief are within your pudgy little grasp. You just have to reach out and snatch it.
Babies and Broadswords: The Book with All the Rules is the 1st book by game design company Even Footing Games. Based on a simple to learn d6 system, Babies and Broadswords is a delightfully wacky narrative tabletop role playing game for players of all ages and experience levels.
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