At the Mountains of Madness, volume II will be released by Free League Publishing on November 23rd. If you have volume I, it’s a no brainer. It might be a gibbering no-brain mess.

The HP Lovecraft story is illustrated by Francois Baranger and will be published in partnership with Design Studio Press.
The letters from expedition leader Professor William Dyer grow increasingly more desperate as the expedition to the remote and forlorn continent presses on. What the expedition discovers beneath the ice is meant for no living man to see, Cyclopean structures and alien landscapes that defy history itself.
The story was first published in 1936; even then, Lovecraft’s racist views were extreme. However, the writer has shaped modern horror and no longer benefits from projects such as this one.

Francois Baranger cites the tabletop RPG Call of Cthulhu as a significant inspiration. The new volume will be a hardback, 262 x 350 mm folio format, complete with full-spread images. Volume 1 was published in 2020.

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