Birth of a Jackal is a free 7-page adventure by John-Matthew DeFoggi for Osprey’s RPG Jackals: Bronze Age Fantasy.
Geek Native reviewed DeFoggie’s d100 system game favourably and isn’t alone. The RPG has a 5/5 star total at DriveThruRPG.
In the game, characters are known as Jackals, who help keep away the monsters that once cruelly ruled the lands.
In Birth of a Jackal, which is structured over three parts, we follow the lives of Unblooded Jackals. It’s the first free adventure from Osprey in support of the RPG.
[Read Birth of a Jackal online]
Not all Jackals chose the War Road. Some found that mantle forced upon them by their circumstances. Sometimes, innocent people catch chaos’ eye. Though they fight free from its influence, it leaves them changed, othered by their community, and they turn to other outcasts like themselves. That is the core of this adventure, where the Jackals witness the birth of one of their own.
In the town of Bet-el, several days’ journey from Ameena Noani, Zora was gifted a token found by one of her sons while diving. This token was an ancient Hulathi seal, binding away a forgotten foe of the Children of Silver. Now that the token is missing, its corrupting influence reaches out into the world. Zora finds herself, through no fault of her own, bearing the Evil Eye, a potent power which curses those the wielder is envious of. As crops fail, cattle die, and accidents befall those of Bet-el, Zora’s fortunes grow. As the community starts to suspect mouathenic influence, Zora reaches out to her sister, Hanna, a hasheer in the Scriptorium of Ameena Noani. Hanna hires the Jackals, against the Scriptorium’s will, to find out what is happening in Bet-el, and to save her sister if it is possible.