The Earthdawn character sheet for 4e is already on the pay-once virtual tabletop challenger Foundry, as is the Compendia and the Gamemaster Guide Compendia is imminent.
You can get these Earthdawn 4e assets for the virtual tabletop from GitHub.

The collection marks the first time that the complete Earthdawn core rules have been able and licensed on a virtual tabletop, according to a FASA guest post from developer Tom LaPorta.
Hello, Barsaivians. I wanted to take a moment to formally announce the first release of the complete Earthdawn core rules on virtual tabletop (Foundry). For the first time ever, officially licensed Talents, Skills, Spells, Creatures and more are available to make your online games as exciting and feature-packed as your home games in the world of Earthdawn have been.
The upcoming release v 0.1.2 will offer legacy support, so you’ll also benefit from greater support if you’re using Classic Edition.
Tom notes that the challenge in bringing Earthdawn to FoundryVTT was to find the right balance between automation, getting the platform to do the heavy lifting for you, and flexibility for house rules.
Next in the roadmap is the Earthdawn Companion, then Questors, then Mystic Paths. There are even discussions about releasing setting-based materials, and Tom says the plan is to keep releasing content while people want it.
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Creative Commons credit: Earthdawn: Map of Barsaive by digitalsushi