Rose of R-N-W is running a Kickstarter for a 5e supplement called Traveler’s Guide to the Soddenweald, which offers rules for swamp-themed flora, fauna, food and potion recipes.
Geek Native readers may recognise the name from posts like these player memo kits or even this D&D ability scores explination. As you’d expect, Soddenweald is as cleverly pretty.
The book talks about the regions of the swamp. There are locations like Clearwater and its mirrored ponds, the Bubble Bogs’ murkiness, and the dangers of the Burning Fen. And there are rewards here, various Soddenweald remedies from rare botanicals.
Brimming with inspiringly magical swamp-themed flora, fauna, food, and potion recipes, this guide contains a compelling combination of marshland lore designed to bring this magic swamp and its many curiosities to life!
With the main book, there’s the GM’s Guide that contains the behind the scenes information you need to craft adventures from the mystical place.
The GM’s Guide includes encounter tables, environmental hazards and stat blocks.
A pledge of £7 will get both books in PDFs. Over 100 backers have gone for this option. There are still three weeks, or so, on the clock, but the humble goal of £700 has been made. Today, there’s more than £13,000 pledged to this campaign.
Stretch goals now include battle maps, more swamp dwellers and quests. In addition, there are paper minis, character sheets and even the short campaign Flight of the Fireflies.
The combination of softcover Traveller’s Guide and PDF GM’s Guide costs £15, plus shipping. £25 for softcovers of them both.
There won’t be a long wait. Traveller’s Guide to the Soddenweald has an estimated delivery date of this October.
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