The Ancient Magus Bride is a fairytale of an anime that drifts between dark and romantic. It begins darkly as a robed figure buys a young girl from a slave auction.
Elias Ainsworth has a face like some strange animal’s skull. The person who bought the abandon Chise Hatori is as inhuman as he is powerful.
The official Twitter for Kore Yamazaki’s manga announced that a new anime project was in the works with a special three-part OAD from a new studio.
The new project is called The Ancient Magus’ Bride: The Boy From the West and the Knight of the Mountain Haze and is set before Chise joins the college.
The anime will ship with the limited editions of the manga’s 16th volume (due September 10), the 17th (March 10, 2022) and the 18th (September 10, 2022). A new studio has been founded just to make the short series.
Previously, Crunchyroll streamed the series in both Japanese and English, and Funimation had the English dub.
In 2017 a sequel, The Ancient Magus’ Bride: Those Awaiting a Star, was also aired.
The author, Yamazaki, has said that she plans to launch a new manga later this year.
Via Anime News Network.
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