Destiny, Destiny 2 and Destiny Don’t Mention The Number is a computer game series from the company that made Halo. It’s a sci-fi shooter wrapped in a storyline, in a somewhat mass multi-player world and flips its attention between arena battles and an engaging plot.
It could have been, and still might become, a new type of computer roleplaying game.
Tabletop gamers have gotten there first, though, with Dungeons and Destiny (Google Drive) conversion by GG_Kity.
Dungeons & Destiny currently lives in a public Google Drive, and it’s packed with information. In the top folder, you’ll find the D&D paperwork, a feedback form and an Origins Stories document. In the folders below you’ll find maps, assets, PDF versions of the three core rule books, an adventure called The Abandoned Skiff and collection of goodies all filed in “Other”.
How is D&Destiny so thorough? GG Kitty’s patreon which has over 500 supporters and making nearly $1800. However, the absolute minimum overhead cost of the project is $2,000 and so any new Patreons will surely be greatly appreciated.
The three core books, in the traditional gathering of Player’s Handbook, DM’s Guide and Monster Manual are present except they’re called the DnDestiny Players Guide, DnDestiny Architect’s Guide and DnDestiny Bestiary of the Wilds.
Since all three are PDFs on Google Drive, Geek Native can embed them for easy browsing without a download.
D&Destiny Player’s Guidebook
D&Destiny Architect’s Guide
D&Desinty Bestiary of the Wilds
Want to join the D&Destiny community? The starting point is GG Kitty’s Patreon.
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