In time for Thanksgiving in the United States of America, the holiday that generates Black Friday and Cyber Monday in its aftermath, the Bundle of Holding as launched Indie Cornucopia 8.
You can check out the two tiers directly at the Bundle’s deal page.

Starter Collection – $12.95
The first tier contains $48 worth of indie RPG goodies and is available for only $12.95.
- Brindlewood Bay
- Upwind
- Miserable Secrets
Bonus Collecton
The cost of the Bonus Collection rises and falls as people contribute towards the bundle. At the time of writing, it costs $25.88. What’s the retail value of the books in this tier? $48.
- Glitch 0th Edition
- Flying Circus
- Flotsam
- Thousand Year Old Vampire
A percentage of the money earned by the Bundle of Holding is donated to Direct Relief.
This deal, as always, is limited to less than three weeks and is only available in that time.