Modiphius has shared the first teaser from their highly anticipated Dune RPG.
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium will use Modiphius’ 2d20 system, that’s the same rule engine that powers Star Trek Adventures and the Dishonored RPG.

The RPG is being worked on while Legendary Entertainment is creating a new film of Frank Herbert’s iconic sci-fi. Both Herbert Properties and Legendary are working actively with Modiphous on the project.
Writers include Modiphius’ Nathan Dowell, who is adapting 2d20 for the tabletop Dune experience and Andrew Peregrine (Doctor Who, Victoriana, Star Trek Adventures), Jason Durall (Runequest, A Game of Thrones, Cona: Adventures in an Age Undreamed of), Chris Spivey (Harlem Unbound), Mari Tokuda (Maifaux), Rachel Cruz (Star Trek Adventures), Nack Norris (Mutants & Masterminds), Banana Chan (Dads on Mowers), Khaldoun Kheli (Vampire 5e, Call of Cthulhu, D&D 3e), Peter Wright (John Carter of Mars), Helena Nash (Runequest), Richard August (John Carter of Mars), Ben Woerner (7th Sea, Warhammer 40L) and Simon Berman (Eclipse Phase, Iron Kingdoms).
The game will premier at ModCon 2020 the newly announced online convention that will run from the 3rd to the 6th of December, alongside Dragonmeet.
You can sign-up for Dune information from Modiphius’ official site.