The game that biohacks D&D, GeneFunk 2090, is back on Kickstarter with a Shadows of Korea expansion.
What’s biohacking and GeneFunk? It’s an RPG setting in which humanity has meddled with our own DNA and genes to create sub-races of specialised people. It’s a cyberpunk style future, with a little more money and a lot more weirdness without magic. Geek Native reviewed the 5e-powered RPG and rather liked it.
There are three weeks left to join the Kickstarter for Shadows of Korea. Crispr Monkey Studios asked for CA$5,000 to make the project happen and they have nearly CA$30,000 pledged. You can add your own or read more at the pitch page.
A pledge of CA$15 (about £9) will get you the digital copy of Shadows of Korea.
If you need the core GeneFunk 2090 core rules, then this Kickstarter is an excellent way to get it. A pledge of CA$ 19 (about £11) will get you both GeneFunk and Shadows of Korea as PDFs.
CA$49 adds the hardback GeneFunk 2090 to that bundle while CA$54 is enough for the colour hardcover of the expansion.
At the time of writing, well over 100 gamers have decided to go all-in on GeneFunk 2090, pledging CA$99 (about £58) to get both books in hardback.
What’s in Shadows of Korea?

The expansion offers up a sandbox setting for Busan, Korea in 2090. A bustling port-city is rammed with danger and opportunity.
There are five criminal empires about to go to war, the port being contested while a truce barely holds to keep the harbour functional.
Shadows of Korea adds 19 different factions, 36-player characters, regional descriptions, maps, encounter tables and merc contracts.
Additionally, Shadows of Korea expands GeneFunk 2090 with 8 new class archetypes, 5 new engineered genomes (races), new equipment, new feats and new cybernetic upgrades.
Crispr Monkey Studios hope to have the books in your hands or on your machine by June 2021.