Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of the Old World with this ultimate Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay collection. This jam-packed library includes everything you need to embark on dangerous quests and thrilling battles. This comprehensive bundle provides everything you and your players need to forge unforgettable memories in the Warhammer Fantasy world. Pay at least £0.78 […]
Classic for a reason: A review of Warhammer’s Death on the Reik
Death on the Reik is a river adventure, mostly. Characters can even become quite wealthy if they rise to the challenge of being savvy merchants.
Warhammer FRP’s attempt to be your most striking gaming collection
Each of the individual books in the Collector’s Edition of Warhammer FRPG’s The Enemy Within has a high impact “Tarot Card” cover design by artists Sam Manley and Andy Law.
The Enemy Within returns for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Over on the Roleplaying Games community in Google+, Johnn Four asked; “Which is the best published adventure you’ve come across”. What a great question. For some people the old Warhammer FRP adventure “The Enemy Within” may have come to mind. As it happens, Fantasy Flight Games has just released a re-imagined version. The original dates […]