Dr Luly Houghton travels from the UK to the Amazon, searching for a tree with extraordinary healing powers. There, perhaps rashly, she hires Frank Wolff. Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson are cast in the roles.
Looper trailer
Looper is a sci-fi film staring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, and Emily Blunt. It’s a time-travel movie that deals with a grim future where criminal organizations use special assassins called Loopers. The film follows Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Looper called Joseph Simmons, who lives in the 2042 but who works for a criminal company from 2072. […]
The Wolfman trailer
This is the second trailer from The Wolfman. It’s diriected by Joe Johnston, that’s the chap who did Jurassic Park III, and stars Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt and Hugo Weaving none of whom need any further introdution. The lucky Americans wil lget this early in February next year and hopefully it’ll pop […]