New board games, just like new books, have a wholesome and charismatic aroma. I can’t describe it, but now, thanks to GameNightPrints on Etsy, I can recreate it.
Competition: Win Chaos Curios gamer geek candles
There’s the Chaos Crafter, Maker of Chains and the Queen of the Click Clacks and relevant to this competition, there’s also the Forger of Dice Wax Melts.
Will you be using Cantrip Candles this Valentine’s Day?
Candles are a safe bet, and a touch of tabletop magic may be enough to make them unique and exciting.
Dinosaur melting candles
The wax candle melts away to reveal a non-melty (porcelain) raptor. Once free, the baby raptors run chaos throughout your kitchen, feasting on scraps until they’re large enough to hunt down the neighbour’s yippy dog.
Melting Gestapo agent Toht
[I need this] Remember that scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark? That scene. The Nazis get the Ark open and soon regret it. The scary Gestapo agent Toht melts as we watch. Now you can recreate that melting over a lovely candlelit dinner. Just pop-over to Firebox and place your order. We’re reassured by […]
World exclusive: Hatching dragon candle
Fancy being the mother of all dragons? [I need this!] UK-based Firebox has the worldwide exclusive on these candles. They start off looking like a scaly egg and as they melt away a hatching dragon is revealed. Who knows where they got this idea from? For legal reasons I’m sure it’s entirely original. There are […]
Destroy the Stay Puft marshmallow man in your own home
I need this. This clever idea for a candle comes with a twist. No, it doesn’t become the Avatar of Gozer the Gozerian but it does burn with the scent of marshmallows. Firebox, who have the exclusive on the ghostbuster monster, add the following two product features “cute sailor hat” and “maniacal smile”. Both true. […]
Skeleton Candles pitch the melting owl
Last year Geek Native wrote about PyroPets and a cat-shaped candle that melted to reveal a sinister metal skeleton. You can know buy them from Firebox. The story doesn’t end there. Skeleton have had similar success with bear shaped candles and now they’re Kickstarting their owl line. There’s more details on the campaign page. […]
Steampunk candle uses incredible design
I need this candle! What on Earth is going on here? This clever design is called the “60 Hour Candle” and, yeah, beeswax candle lasts for about 60 hours. The coil of wax burns at the rate of three-inches for every hour, or there abouts, and as it’s 180 inches long that gives you plenty […]
Your very own housesafe candlelight Bat-Signal
Fancy your own candle Bat-Signal? You can grab one of various designs from Geek Hex on Shapeways. The idea is simple and effective. You stick the Batman logo onto the side of your candle. The wax doesn’t stand a chance. The result? You’ve a shadow all to yourself that could summon a gothic Batman. (Via […]