While out and about at the Anime Expo 2105, Killers and Company shot a live action sequence of Overwatch “gameplay”. Shows how the cosplay culture continues to evolve. Who was involved? Widowmaker is Reilena Cosplay, Henchman Props for Reaper, Mercy was by Aphelion and Hanzo was Doom and Gloom Princess. The guest appearance by Deadpool […]
Archives for July 2015
If you like sports then you’re more willing to strike deals with demons
Have you noticed how mainstream media is always very quick to point out if a criminal was a gamer – or whether a suspected criminal was a gamer. Statistically it’s likely that some of the worst criminals in today’s society are football fans but that’s not a parallel the media like to point out. In […]
Bloodshadows returns as a full RPG
Originally published by West End Games as a worldbook for MasterBook and then updated as a D6 Adventure, the third edition of Bloodshadows will be a standalone RPG. Precis Intermedia have the rights for Bloodshadows, a game in which the supernatural lurks around the corner, and will relaunch the title using the genreDiversion 3E rules. […]
Lost & Found: A Review and Play report of Trail of Cthulhu
This past weekend, I got a group together to play Pelgrane Press’ Trail of Cthulhu. Though the game came out in 2008, I never got a chance to play it, until now. Designed by Kenneth Hite, Trail of Cthulhu is one of several games powered by the GUMSHOE System. The design philosophy behind the GUMSHOE system is that in an […]
Mashup: Lord of the Take This
This comic takes the iconic “It’s dangerous to go alone, take this” from the 1986 The Legend of Zelda and introduces Lord of the Rings. Gandalf was keen that Frodo take Sam with him… and in Zelda the old man is keen Link takes a wooden sword into the caves. The image above is sourced […]
16 clever dogs of the Marvel Universe
Josh Lynch is a creative director and freelance illustrator. He shared this collection of “DOTMU: Dogs of the Marvel Universe” to his public gallery at Behance and you should take a look. I think Punisher pug is my favourite. Which is yours?
Competition: The Splintered Gods
The Splintered Gods is the latest book from Stephen Deas in the Memory of Flames series. The Dragon Queen is being forced to wage war on her new master’s rivals and the magic necklace that traps her ensures she cannot escape. Trapped in another body, Berren – the Bloody Judge – is on the hunt […]
Apocalypse 2.0: A Review of Legacy: Life Among the Ruins
The latest game powered by the Apocalypse, Legacy: Life Among the Ruins serves as an elegant re-exploration of the trail first blazed by Vincent Baker in his revolutionary RPG, Apocalypse World. Legacy is, essentially, a prettier, cleaner, and more-refined version of Baker’s game. Legacy is classic post-apocalypse adventure, complete with mutant monsters, weird and wild technology, and even a Maelstrom to […]
Made real: The gun from Psycho-Pass stuns
I rather enjoyed Psycho Pass. At a first glance it is set in a wonderful future in which the police leave you entirely alone because they can tell who’s guilty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfyJdvVcFTE At a second glance things get dark quickly. It’s not just your intent to do something criminal but the possibility of you doing so […]
Steve Jackson Games gives ThinkGeek a Munchkin Hipsters head start
ThinkGeek will get to say; We sold Munchkin Hipsters before it the booster pack became all mainstream! They’ll get to say that because Steve Jackson Games have given the popular site first dibs at selling the the 30-card booster. Brian Engard, Marketing Director at Steve Jackson Games, said; We love ThinkGeek and we’re really excited […]